7 Ways to Improve Your Recruitment Strategy

7 Ways to Improve Your Recruitment Strategy

Nao Madison
July 4, 2023

A recent study found that, on average, it takes 36 to 42 days to fill an available position in the US. As a result, the recruitment process can cost your business thousands and significantly reduce your company's productivity. To decrease your recruitment timetable, implement a few new strategies.

We've found seven successful tips that can improve your recruitment strategy in no time. That way, you can find qualified candidates quickly and efficiently.

Now, are you ready to get started? Here's an in-depth look at a few effective recruiting tips:

1. Treat Applicants Like Customers

No matter what part of the screening process an applicant is in, always treat them like a customer. First impressions are everything, and if you come off as rude, annoyed, or disinterested, it can paint your company in a negative light. The applicant may drop out and tell their friends not to apply to your company since you didn't respect them or value their time.

Therefore, always arrive to interviews or video calls on time. If you happen to be running late, let the candidate know.

Be kind and friendly; for example, when the candidates arrive at an on-site interview, ask them if they want some water or something else to drink. Make sure candidates feel welcome and comfortable right from the start.

Also, make your contact information available, give candidates your business card, or provide them with your email address. That way, they can reach out with any questions or concerns they may have. Doing this will help build a rapport with potential candidates and foster a good impression of the company culture.

2. Use Niche Job Boards

Popular job boards, like Indeed and LinkedIn, are great; however, by utilizing those alone, you are leaving out an untapped candidate pool. Instead, post to popular job boards and niche job boards.

Niche job boards are effective as they target individuals seeking certain roles or job attributes that are correlated to your specific listing. Look around for sites that cater to your specific industry or location.

For instance, if you're posting a remote position, consider posting on job boards that cater to remote listings, like FlexJobs. Job seekers that want a remote position will undoubtedly look there. Therefore, these job boards will circulate the position to those most interested in the role, helping you find qualified candidates quickly and effectively.

3. Optimize Your Job Page

Optimizing your company's official career page will make it rank higher on search engine results making it more accessible for job seekers. To optimize your page, we suggest making it mobile-friendly. After all, 90% of candidates access career sites from their mobile phones.

It's important that you make the site easy to navigate; that way, mobile users can find the job opening and its application easily. Also, make the page engaging and easy to read; use headings, bullet points, and memorable graphics or videos. In doing so, it will make your company stand out from the rest with how you highlight the job and the company.

Formulating your page will help your site rank better and improve the user experience, making visitors stay on the page longer. As a result, you'll likely see an increase in applications since you're making the job enticing and easy to find.

4. Write Compelling Job Descriptions

Job descriptions should be attention-grabbing and concise; if they're not, you risk confusing a potential applicant and scaring them away. To ensure your job descriptions are compelling, follow these three tips:

Make the Job Title as Specific As Possible

The more specific your job title is, the more effective you'll be at targeting interested and qualified job seekers. The title should include the employment type and state if the job is remote, hybrid, or requires daily in-office visits. Try to keep the title short to ensure job seekers read the title in its entirety.

A good example of a concise job tile is a "Remote Full-Time Event Coordinator." It's brief but gives job seekers enough insight into the job to want to read the description.

Include the Job Essentials

A good job description always includes certain job essentials. These are common job responsibilities, desired skills, day-to-day activities, and how the job fits into the organization.

Make sure these factors stand out by using bullet points to separate each one or bold certain information. You want the job seeker to see these right away. That way, they get excited about the job and want to apply.

Highlight Your Company Culture

Company culture can make or break a position. After all, a recent study found that 73% of respondents said they would not apply for a job if company culture didn't align with their values.

So make sure you include a blurb about the perks of your company. For instance, are there casual Fridays, monthly lunch-ins, or annual incentive programs?

Tell applicants what makes your company special and what you do to ensure employees are happy and successful. This will help the applicant get excited not only for the job but to work at your company.

5. Implement an Employee Referal Program

An efficient strategy that's constantly overlooked is an employee referral program. Employee referrals can help you find quality applicants straight from the people that know your company the best.

However, the foundation of any good employee referral program comes with a good incentive. After all, most employees are unlikely to refer their friends or family members if they don't receive any benefits. So make the incentive enticing; perhaps offer a couple of days of vacation, a large bonus, or a large gift card to a popular store or restaurant.

Since the employees want to receive the incentive, they'll likely provide candidates that are qualified and excited about the job. As a result, you'll increase the diversity of your candidate pool and find high-quality applicants.

6. Target Passive Applicants

Not many people realize it, but about 70% of the workforce consists of passive talent. Passive candidates are individuals that are currently employed and not seeking a new job but are open to a new opportunity if it comes along. Targeting passive applicants is effective as there is limited competition which enables you to source from a large candidate pool.

To target passive candidates effectively, compare and contrast the job perks, company culture, and starting pay against their current job. It's important to make your company stand out in their mind. You want to intrigue individuals about the prospect of working for your company, so highlight what a candidate would gain if they switched jobs.

Targeting passive applicants isn't only effective but comes with high-quality talent. Candidates that are actively looking for a job may embellish their experience or credentials out of desperation to get the job.

However, passive candidates already have stable positions; they don't need to embellish their resumes or fake their skills. If they engage with you, it's because they are interested in the job you're offering and are considering changing positions. As a result, passive candidates are often more trustworthy and better qualified for the position, making them an invaluable source for company recruitment.

7. Use ATS Technology

Finding talent is sometimes not the issue. It's when recruiters have to sort through the candidates that problems arise. To efficiently find the right candidates, stop manually processing each application and use ATS technology to help.

With ATS technology, you can organize and store applications making it easy to review from anywhere. From the organized applications, you can filter candidates based on skills, education, or experience to quickly find the right applicants. You can also automate tasks like scheduling interviews or sending confirmation emails, which allows you to save time and focus on other recruitment tasks.

However, one of ATSs greatest benefits is its data tracking and analyzing tool. It can pull data from social media and other websites to give you a comprehensive profile of each applicant. It can also analyze data from your end by gathering data on applicant flow and job ad conversion rates. As a result, you can be better informed about who your applicants are, where they're coming from, and their collective experience or skills.

Use a Recruitment Strategy Today

Recruiting talent can be difficult, often taking weeks to complete and costing your business thousands. However, if you implement just one recruitment strategy, your candidate pool automatically increases, and you'll find qualified applicants in no time.

We at Triibe take pride in growing your business community. Our team will search for qualified talent and find your company a shortlist in just 48 hours or less.

To get started, contact us today, and we will find applicants that suit your company.

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